In this post we’re sharing some of our favorite wallpapers in classic designs like chinoiserie, toile, and spots that would fit a variety of spaces. Keep reading to discover these picks!
If your style is more maximalist than minimalist, then a gorgeous wallpaper may be for you. Even if you don’t like to have many pieces of furniture or decor, but like to have intricate designs, a wallpaper with some busyness to it may be a great fit for you because it adds a lot of interest so you can get away with simpler furniture and decor.
We think that a good wallpaper can really do a lot for a room which is why we’ve rounded up a few of our favorites.
However, wallpaper can get a bit expensive, especially with some of the high-end brands like Gracie or de Gournay.
That said, for this post we’re focusing on some more affordable options that will make the wallpaper experience more accessible.
Even better, several of the options that we’ve included are peel and stick for easy application, removal, and making it a renter-friendly option!
We’ve tried to include a variety of classic wallpapers for different design styles. The designs shown include chinoiserie, spots, toile, murals, and more.
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